Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Fungus walk

         On friday my grade 11 Biology class went to explore the Fleetwood Park forest near our school. We were told to search for fungi, which seemed to be lingering everywhere on decaying matter. We had been learning about the different types of fungi in class and it was fascinating to inspect them from up close. The types of fungi we've discussed in class include basidiomycota (club fungi), zygomycota (common molds), ascomycoya (sac fungi), oomycota (protist like fungi) and deuteromycota (imperfect fungi). My favorite one that we found in the forest was a tiny club mushroom that was growing out of a decaying tree trunk. They were so little, which made them so special because I never would have discovered this on my own if it weren't for ms.Ianonne!

This one is called a jelly fungi, they were everywhere always very bright!
This is a betterpicture of another jelly funi!  The best time to find this type of fungi is in the fall or in the spring below melting snow banks.
We also located Lichen. This one is in the form of a crustose! Lichen are symbiotic

These are shelf mushrooms, they are part of club fungi.

This was my favourite, it was so cute and litte.

This fungi is also a basidiomycota, however this is type is found in a tropical rainforest and is actually edible!

These are Fairy Circles, we unfortunately didn't get to see any of these!
These are sac fungi. Sac fungi produce conidia (dust) and have the largest phylum of fungi.

 The purpose of this walk was to see the differenent types of fungi outisde of the classroom in their environment they live in. Monica and I got to explore some really cool looking fungi! I learned that fungi is everywhere, you just have to take the time to look and appreciate the beauty that is around us. I am so thankful Ms.Ianonne took our class on this trip, because I never would have done this if it weren't for her. This was an awesome experience and I'm lookinh forward to our next class trip!

1 comment:

  1. Emma, your photos are great!! You linked the purpose to the activity very well! and you did a great job of incorporating facts from class into the activity (and into the photographs themselves, great captions!) Next time try to extend that information further through reference to your notes/memory and add those names, lifecycle facts, and concepts to what we saw on our trip.

    Prep of blog entry-4
    Quality of Content-4
    Personal Reflection-4
